Legislative Outreach Program

The primary focus of the program is educational meetings relating to legislation affecting the volunteer fire service. The meetings usually last anywhere from 60-120 minutes and will cover the FASNY legislative agenda as well as issues of interest to the sponsoring sectionals.

Jill Scalzo from ASA Associates, FASNY’s Legislative Representatives, will be on hand along with FASNY Legislative Committee members to facilitate the program. State legislators as well as local legislators will be on hand to comment and listen to the fire service legislative needs.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions the Outreach Program has been suspended until things get back to normal. If your sectional is interested in having or obtaining information on the Outreach Program contact our legislative representative or committee chair listed below.

For more information on the program, contact FASNY’s Legislative Representative Jill Scalzo at Jill (at) asagovtaffairs.com or Mike Karashay, FASNY Legislative Committee Chairman, at 914-388-3752 or MKarashay (at) HVC.rr.com

Upcoming Dates


