Lighthouse Bereavement Uniform Program

The Bereavement Dress Uniform Program exists to ensure every emergency service provider is afforded the honor and every emergency service provider’s family has the opportunity to bury their loved one in a dress uniform, at no cost to the family.

After almost five years, the Bereavement Uniform Program (BUP), a joint effort between the Fire Service and Lighthouse Uniform Company to make a dress uniform available for burial purposes to any family wanting one, at no cost to the family, is now in need of uniforms.

The decision was made by our association to support the BUP and it is our job to make sure enough uniforms are donated to maintain a supply sufficient to accommodate the need…

… so, please consider this a ‘call to action’.

If your department is a ‘have’ department (has a dress uniform program), have someone check the storage closet for surplus or no longer used dress uniforms.  If you have any, please consider donating them to the Bereavement Uniform Program.  We can think of no better way of turning a surplus dress uniform with no value into something ‘priceless’, to the department that gets to give the gift, to the department that gets to say ‘thank you’ and to the family using it to honor their ‘passing’ loved one.

It is a true win, win, win and we encourage you to make the effort to ‘check the closets’ and send in your surplus uniforms.

Use the following address when shipping your surplus dress uniforms and please include how you would like your donation recorded on the BUP’s ‘Be Remembered’ Wall of Fame’:

Lighthouse Uniform Company
Attn: BUP
1532 15th Ave West
Seattle, WA 98119

If you have any questions, either to donate or to make use of the BUP, call Lighthouse Uniform Company, BUP’s headquarters at 206-282-5600.  Ask for Steve Cohen.

This is a great way to ‘take care of our own’.  Help make sure our state is ‘covered’.

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