
August 8 - 10, 2024

Niagara Falls

Please join us for our 152nd Annual Meeting August 8th-10th. This is our second year in Niagara Falls and the Convention and Exhibits Committee has been working to make this Convention even more productive and enjoyable than last year. The 2024 Annual Meeting is being held at the Niagara Falls Convention Center, just a short walk from beautiful Niagara Falls. We know from last year that this venue is an excellent site to accommodate both the needs of our Annual Meeting and the social events we have planned. In addition to the business sessions, we have a full slate of training, social and networking events. These activities include a Joint Memorial Service, Heroes Awards, Youth Day, Scholarship Night and elections for several offices. We are also very excited to be hosting the Second Annual Testimonial Dinner honoring individuals who have held offices in our great organization. The strength of any association comes from the involvement and participation of its members. FASNY leadership and staff look forward to seeing you during this important gathering. We have accomplished much in the past few years but there is more work to be done.

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Keynote Speaker

Paul Combs
Retired Lieutenant for the City of Bryan Fire Department in Ohio/Cartoonist/Illustrator
August 8, 9 a.m.

Pick Up Your Brick!

What will you do with the brick you have in your hand? In this keynote, Paul Combs will encourage the audience to embrace the past traditions and culture of the New York fire service while focusing on the future leaders who will be tasked with building upon what has been given to them with sweat, tears, and sacrifice. Putting aside petty differences so the better good may be achieved. It is our sacred duty to leave the fire service better than we found it; to build upon the wall of success, tradition, training, and leadership. How will you use the brick that you have been given?

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Aug. 10 at 10:30 a.m.

Aug. 9, 1:30 p.m.

Aug. 10, 8 a.m - 4 p.m.

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It was a pleasant afternoon in August 1872 as a parade moved along the main street of Auburn, New York. A group of local volunteer firemen stood on the curb watching, when one of them (whose name history does not record) spoke up, asking “Why not have a firemen’s convention?” Little did any of them realize at the time that this chance remark would provide the incentive for the formation of what was to become one of the largest organizations in the state.

In 152 years since, FASNY has remained dedicated to informing, educating and training the volunteer fire service thanks to the commitment of its members and leadership by hundreds of individuals. The organization has continually enhanced knowledge and encouraged camaraderie among volunteer firefighters with numerous programs and services.

For more than a century and a half, Convention has been FASNY’s signature event filled with fellowship, education and a little fun. Don’t miss this year’s event in Niagara Falls!